First Lady's Inaugural Outfit Look-a-like Discovered in Manhattan Boutique

NEW YORK, NY January 27, 2009 A vintage look-a-like of the Inaugural outfit worn by First Lady Michelle Obama was discovered in the consignment department of the popular Upper West Side Off Broadway boutique.

The two piece yellow brocade with beaded neckline closely resembles the stunning Isabel Toledo outfit worn by the First Lady as the World watched the President's Inauguration. The one-of-a-kind custom made vintage ensemble was made to order in 1948 for the mother of one of the boutique's regular customers.

Proprietor Lynn Dell is offering the vintage outfit by ebay auction. Bids, starting at $120.90 (in honor of the January 20th, 2009 Inauguration), can be submitted on the boutique's website at The collectible garment can also be viewed in the store's West 72nd Street window (between Broadway and Columbus Avenue).

Congressman Jerrold Nadler and NY State Judge Judith Kaye, neighborhood residents, happened to be in the store to witness a celebraory toast which followed the discovery of the collectible ensemble. Congressman Nadler recounted the thrill of standing on the dias just yards from the first couple during last week's swearing in ceremony.

Contact: Gregory Chase (212) 625-9710

As featured in: Racked, Mrs. O

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