NEWS FLASH DECEMBER 14, 2003: Former Iraq President Saddam Hussein captured! Official Iraqi Most Wanted Cards
(Scroll down to order)
Authentic Iraqi Leadership Identification Cards
Portion of proceeds benefit military support groups CELEBRATORY USA DECK WITH ORDERS OF FOUR+
Valuable Collectibles
The very same Most Wanted cards distributed to US Troops in Iraq.
Baghdad Rummy are the first Iraq Leadership cards to have been distributed on the internet (as validated by website creation date in the official InterNIC domain name register) and to have been featured on national television shows, multiple radio programs, and in numerous newspapers and magazines.
These are the official cards created by the US Central Command. Authentic playing cards on plastic coated stock. Be wary of imitations.
Saddam Capture Special
Free USA Hero Deck with all orders of four or more Official Iraqi Most Wanted decks to celebrate the success and dedication of our troops.
Donations to support groups for service member families.
A portion of all sales benefit non-profit organizations.
As Low as $5.95 Sale Price
Individual Decks $7.95/Each .....
Four Decks $5.95/Each +
Free USA DECK ...................
Click "Buy Now" button to order online,
order by phone by calling 800-892-3064, or
by mail by
clicking here.
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